Welcome to the Padell Genealogical Pages.
This site is dedicated to the research of the Padell and Carrigan Family roots. The two families are tied by marriage giving an interesting ancestral background, Pennsylvania Dutch ( Swiss and German) Lithuania, Irish, French Canadian.
The Pennsylvania Dutch branch has been in America since the very early 1700's, as a result they were originally British subjects, before participating whole heartedly in the American Revolution.The French Canadian branch came to Canada in the early 1700's and then to the United States around 1860.
I have attempted to create a site that is easy to navigate and has our ancestors information, pictures and documents presented in a logical manner. We have pictures of several of our ancestors back to a portrait of Mary Jane Schleicher nee Gerber taken in 1868 at age 18. For most of our ancestors the closest we could come is a picture of their headstone. I have created a Cemetery page with pictures of as many headstones as I have been able to find and photograph.
We had 21 ancestors who served in the American Revolution, several on both sides of the Schleicher/Wehr line. There is also a page devoted to Conrad Bloss raising the question that many researchers have asked "did he really serve and was he killed at the Battle of Long Island".
I hope this website will flesh out the data that is contained in
The Padell Carrigan Family Tree
for other trees see the Genealogy page
That site gives the family tree as well as all my sources from the research I have done to date. I have attempted to include useful and helpful links on each page of the site.
Contact me at webmaster (at) padell (dot) org
Due to popular demand I have added a recent picture of myself along with our 1981 Chevy Firetruck ex-Norwell Massachusetts