About our site
I set up this website as a convenient way to point people to my genealogical database on Genealogy.com.
At the same time I decided to make it a site with pictures and information about all branches of the family and ancestors.
Since a family tree is often made up of dry information and charts, and I know mine certainly is, I decided that by putting as many pictures as I can on this site, I could flesh out the family tree. I have tried to create pages on the website based on pictures I have. There is a page Old Photo Albums where I post family photo albums that I have been given or lent and have scanned into the computer digitizing them. This not only allows us to share the pictures but also preserves and protects them. For the most part the pictures on the site are of a resolution suitable for the web. I usually have a better quality scan on my PC so if you are interested in getting a copy of the picture file, or a print out of the picture contact me at webmaster@padell.org.
The Cemeteries page contains all the pictures I have taken, or I have received, of the headstones of our ancestors as well as the cemeteries they are buried in. I have given myself a project of attempting to get a picture of every existing ancestor's headstone. Many of the older headstones no longer exist, and more are lost every year. A photograph is a great record of the headstones as they exist today. Most of our ancestors are interred in two cemeteries, Ben Salem and Heldelberg. There are several private cemeteries of which I have only found a couple so far.
The Activities page is where I am putting any pictures of things like fishing, sports, gardening, occupations etc.
The Family events page is where I am putting pictures of various holidays, events such as weddings reunions etc.
If you have any photographs or digitized documents that you would like to share on the website send them to me at webmaster@padell.org. If you have pictures or documents that are not digital (already scanned it) you can send them to me at Webmaster, 6 Sandra Rd, East Walpole, MA, 02032.
If you have family bibles or other things that you don't want to send or let out of your site and you live somewhere in the Northeast, I can plan a trip (have PC will travel) and come visit you with my PC and Scanner, and we can digitize the documents and pictures.